function toSpans(span) { var; var a=str.length; span.removeChild(span.firstChild); for(var i=0; i once around, 720 => twice, etc) * brt - brightness (0-255, 0 => black, 255 => full color) * spd - how many ms between moveRainbow calls (less => faster) * hspd - how many hue degrees to move every time moveRainbow is called (0-359, closer to 180 => faster) */ function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) { this.deg=(deg==null?360:Math.abs(deg)); this.hue=(hue==null?0:Math.abs(hue)%360); this.hspd=(hspd==null?3:Math.abs(hspd)%360);; this.span=span; this.speed=(spd==null?50:Math.abs(spd)); this.hInc=this.deg/this.length; this.brt=(brt==null?255:Math.abs(brt)%256); this.timer=null; toSpans(span); this.moveRainbow(); } /* * sets the colors of the children of [this] as a hue-rotating rainbow starting at this.hue; * requires something to manage ch externally * I had to make the RainbowSpan class because M$IE wouldn't let me attach this prototype to [Object] */ RainbowSpan.prototype.moveRainbow = function() { if(this.hue>359) this.hue-=360; var color; var b=this.brt; var a=this.length; var h=this.hue; for(var i=0; i359) h-=360; if(h<60) { color=Math.floor(((h)/60)*b); red=b;grn=color;blu=0; } else if(h<120) { color=Math.floor(((h-60)/60)*b); red=b-color;grn=b;blu=0; } else if(h<180) { color=Math.floor(((h-120)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b;blu=color; } else if(h<240) { color=Math.floor(((h-180)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b-color;blu=b; } else if(h<300) { color=Math.floor(((h-240)/60)*b); red=color;grn=0;blu=b; } else { color=Math.floor(((h-300)/60)*b); red=b;grn=0;blu=b-color; } h+=this.hInc; this.span.childNodes[i].style.color="rgb("+red+", "+grn+", "+blu+")"; } this.hue+=this.hspd; } // End -->